Uploading an existing project to Chaw using git

skeemer • January 6, 2009


UPDATE: This service no longer exists.

This is for users of thechaw.com. It is a project repository for CakePHP projects.

Change directory to your application’s working path. This will be inside of your “app” directory. example:

cd /htdocs/app

Setup git locally.

git init

Add link to the remote repository.

git remote add upstream git@thechaw.com:projectname.git

Edit .gitignore to include the following:


*Note for Mac users, it is advantageous to also add _.DS_Store_

(Optional) This is HIGHLY recommended. This prints out a list of files that would be added, so you can make sure there aren’t extra libraries or other files

git add . --dry-run

Add files to commit.

git add .

Commit files.

git commit -m "Initial commit of project files"

Upload to the repository.

git pull upstream master
git push upstream master