These posts are most likely not relevant anymore.
March 17, 2019
Secure PHP access between Valet Sites
Laravel Valet has been an absolute lifesaver for me. It’s made developing locally so much easier. I can actually trust that my CORS setup will work when migrated to production. Today I ran into...
ReadNovember 13, 2014
Slim Framework on Google App Engine
Today I launched my first production app on Google App Engine (GAE). I ran into a few headaches along the way, but thanks to the local dev tools, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. The...
ReadSeptember 11, 2014
Downloading files from Google Cloud Storage using the PHP API
Downloading files was something else I was barely able to piece together. I found an outdated version, but the SDK had changed enough that it wasn't operable. If you're doing this in a class or...
ReadSeptember 10, 2014
Google Cloud Storage PHP Client on a server
This example uses, PHP 5.4+ syntax. I used composer for loading up the client. Access the Google Developers Console and go to the APIs & Auth > Credentials page. Click Create new Client ID and...
ReadJuly 5, 2011
Things that irritate me on Google+
Profile shortnames didn't migrate. So instead of, I'm stuck with Yes, there are work arounds and you can use DNS...
ReadJanuary 6, 2009
Uploading an existing project to Chaw using git
UPDATE: This service no longer exists. This is for users of It is a project repository for CakePHP projects. Change directory to your application’s working path. This will be inside...
ReadJanuary 6, 2009
Generating CakePHP API for local use on OS X
1) Download the Mac disk image of Doxygen and install the application. 2) Download my Doxygen config file. Adapted from Ticket #5910. 3) Create a directory in your app/webroot/ named api. 4) Open...